Kristina Becvar's professional journey has been nothing short of transformative. From a background in legal operational and change management, she followed her curiosity to explore the world of data analytics and research methods, opening up new career paths for herself. After dedicating years to optimizing legal service management and delivery, Kristina felt a strong desire to explore the potential of data analytics and research methods and explore new career paths.
Returning to the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she had previously earned her B.A. in Business Studies, Kristina pursued and successfully earned an M.S. in Data Analytics and Computation for Social Sciences. This two-year endeavor solidified her expertise in data analytics and research methods, preparing her for the challenges ahead.
Beyond her professional interests, Kristina is deeply engaged in nonviolence advocacy, particularly for those affected by war and conflict in conflict zones and international security. Her experiences as the spouse of a disabled combat veteran have contributed to her desire to bring about positive change in this field. During her M.S. pursuit, Kristina delved deep into her passions while serving as a project manager at the Human Security Lab, supervising research on topics like nuclear taboos, Ukrainian conscription law, and post-U.S. withdrawal civilian voices in Afghanistan.
Kristina remains eager to continue honing her skills and actively seeks opportunities to collaborate on future research endeavors. Her interests are diverse, spanning areas such as human security, combat veteran narratives, environmental justice, and conflict resolution on both domestic and international fronts.
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