A partnership between Bridge Alliance
The Team
Starting in the fall of 2023, this fellowship will empower student athletes from across the country to strengthen non-partisan civic participation on their teams, on their campuses, and in their broader communities.
Provide a leadership and developmental curriculum developed by esteemed professors, coaches, professional athletes, and civic leaders.
Provide mentorship, support, and a financial stipend for the athletes personalized civic engagement or service project on campus or in their community.
Facilitate a multi-day, all expenses paid summit in Washington, DC to meet other Fellows, participate in workshops, network, and present their work from the year.
EAF is led by Joe Kennedy, a 2007 graduate of Northwestern, former basketball player, and coach who served as a special assistant for the Office of Public Engagement at the White House. Most recently, in September of 2022, Kennedy became the first Executive Director of All Vote No Play. During the 2020 election cycle, Kennedy connected with Coach Eric Reveno, where they became a major force leading a new college athletics movement to expand student-athlete voter registration and create civic resources for coaches and teams. Coach Joe Kennedy is working towards a future where all student athletes and athletic departments establish civic engagement as a priority, and he believes the Engaged Athlete Fellowship can make that dream a reality.
“More than 500,000 student athletes are largely overlooked by most traditional civics programs, and yet, these athletes are often some of the most powerful voices and influential leaders on their campuses. We are building energy around the importance of athletes, coaches, and administrators becoming more engaged citizens. We offer tools and resources to help them shape the future they want to create.”
Joe’s staff includes former student athletes Hannah Nusbaum (Director of Programming) and Elizabeth Ford (Fellowship Coordinator, Penn Volleyball Player) and student leaders, plus advisors Chase Griffin (QB UCLA Football), Lisa Kay Solomon (Stanford) and Eric Reveno (Oregon State Basketball Coach).
The Team co-founder and Stanford Futurist and Designer in Residence Lisa Kay Solomon succinctly and clearly sums up what EAF is all about.
“What would make it easy for student athletes to take the first step? Every resource, program, and relationship is aimed to reduce the noise and friction of this moment, and focus instead on foundational moves to support democracy and ignite civic agency.”
Listen to advisor Chase Griffin (QB UCLA Football) as he tells his story showing how the leadership learned on the field was harnessed to help his community and country.
Bridge Alliance partner The Team provides award winning materials to help athletes become great citizens, teammates, and leaders.
Since their inception, in 2020, The Team’s innovative approach to civic engagement has positively impacted over 50,000 student athletes around the country. The Team’s past student athlete civic leaders have won many prestigious awards and recognition for their work including invitations to work on programs with athletic greats like NBA star Stephen Curry and Athletes Unlimited Cassidy Lichtman.
Their stories of modeling innovative forms of civic engagement have been profiled in major media publications like ESPN, The Fulcrum, Teen Vogue, Forbes, and others.
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